Welcome to The Macro Code

An open diary…

I am a young analyst at the beginning of his professional career. I am passionate about financial markets, macro and global scenarios.
During the last years of my university studies, I have built a personal diary in which I write down insights on the latest market developments across asset classes and in which I note the methodologies of scenario analysis provided by various industry experts that I monitor on a weekly basis. Recently I decided to continue with this diary in an online format.

Why am I doing this?

I am keenly aware that the market opinions of a young analyst count for very little and almost no one would be interested in following them. But actually, I do it more for myself, with the goal of improving my background rather than seeking an audience. Essentially, with this blog I put into practice the advice of Jason Voss, CFA. In this useful article (see here), Jason argues that the skills of a good research analyst are predominantly abstract and creative, which are difficult for a recruiter to assess ex-ante. For this reason, it’s helpful to turn the intangible into something tangible.

Through this open diary, I try my best to practice my ability to think critically about the thousands of pieces of information that surround us. After all, the success of an analyst will depend on the ability to synthesize information and to see things no one else is seeing.

Definitely, my goal is to learn with everyone who will read this blog. Through knowledge-sharing, we grow better!

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Please, note that The Macro Code represents personal views only.

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The Macro Code is an open diary on markets, macro-trends and structural changes.


A young analyst with an open diary on markets, macro-trends and structural changes. Only own opinions. Not financial advice.